I accepted Christ at the age of nine after hearing a sermon on HELL at North Highland Baptist Church, Warrior, Alabama. I realized that I was a sinner and needed a Saviour. Jesus met that need and tears filled my eyes as I realized that Jesus loved me and died for me. I am 100% sure of my salvation in Christ, I hope you are also. Even though I was saved, life did not automatically become wonderful. I was still a much troubled youth and had many problems. I dropped out of church and got into lots of trouble. Later after joining the Marine Corp I started attending an Independent Baptist church where God called me into His full-time service. A missionary to Paupa New Guinea came to our church and challenged us for world evangelism, that night I surrendered to God's will. The missionary said, "There is no greater gift that you can give to God than your life on the foreign mission field". and "May God's heart beat through your heart for lost souls". I thank God He has called me to be a missionary.
My wife Diane received Christ after hearing the gospel at Memorial Baptist Church, Columbus, Ohio. We both graduated from Massillon Baptist College in Massillon, Ohio. She graduated in 1982, I in 1987. She spent four years in Brazil as a single missionary. When she came back for furlough, I called her on the phone, dated and married her April 9th 1988. Since then we have served as foreign missionaries for 15 years and as church planters in America for five years. We love the Lord and it is our desire to serve HIM until death. "This worlds not my home, I'm just a passin through" We have three daughters who have professed Christ as their Saviour and serve Him by singing and witnessing for Him. Two are attending College at Heartland Baptist Bible College and the third one is still with us. It is our prayer that they will all serve the Lord and put Him first in their lives. "One life twill soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last."
Please check out our ministries and pray for us! Thank you and may God bless.